MarinaSassuArchitects, Inc.
Interior Design
Commercial &
The firm's staff of 6 comes from diverse backgrounds, including architecture, landscape architecture, green architecture, city planning, interior design and the visual arts.
Marina SassuArchitects has LEED Certified professionals on staff, and Marina carries degrees in both Architecture and City Planning, bringing to the practice an interdisciplinary approach where issues of the landscape are central to our design thinking. We believe in integrating planning, programming and design in a holistic, consensus-building approach to projects.
Our projects range in scale from large institutional buildings to small-scale residential work.
Marina's work has received two Italian Honor Awards.
Her work has been published in the Banco di Sardegna book of awards.
Marina has taught drawing & design as a visiting faculty member at the Italian Public School.
Marina Sassu Architects is structured to support clients at all stages of design & construction.
At Marina Sassu Architects we strive to capture the character and heritage of the sites, while following contemporary design using layouts and trends suitable for growing and up to date technology , utilizing latest industrial and manufacturing products.
We have expertise in developing mix use buildings with integrated retail and creative business solutions
At Marina Sassu Architects we create spaces tha are founded on the local communities with projects that reflect the surroundings and give the client the feeling of home.
Our approach is global and multidisciplinary, including a thorough master & city planning study combined with exploration of mix use developments, multifamily components, hospitality & housing .
W specialized also in studies of sleek double skin facades with improving of energy performances while shedding exterior pollution.
Marina Sassu Architects, proud itself to balance economic and need of growth while preserving the need of ample green spaces for recreation, agricolture & wildlife.
We try to comprised local input while working with tradition but including contemporary feel.
We prize to include the community into our process of design, allowing residents to participate and invest in our creations, so to give a resilient and malleable framework in which the resident can find his own voice.